Most people would gasp at the thought of spending over 4 hours on the phone with a technician from India. For me; I was happy to have made a new friend.
His name is Imran and he works for iYogi.com. iYogi is a Computer Repair and Tech service that supports Microsoft (and others). When I called the Microsoft support number because my E-mail had stopped working, I was very fortunate that Imran was the person who answered my call.
Imran took control of my computer and found so many problems that I was unaware of and proceeded to fix all of them. During this time, I had lots of coffee, made breakfast and even used my hand-held weights; but most of the time, we talked. Imran showed me (and explained in detail) all of the problems and errors lurking within my computer.
It’s my nature to be friendly and to ask a lot of random questions when I’m getting to know someone. Luckily, Imran was very personable and had no problem with that and we chatted about our families, our jobs, and a lot of other worldly matters. This certainly helped to pass the time. I found out that Imran had to move hundreds of miles away from his parents and siblings to get this job. It was obvious that he misses them.
I’m not always this lucky when calling for technical support whether it’s for computer, cable or some other type of connection problem. But on this day, I hit the jackpot. Imran was very knowledgeable and most important to me; friendly. He told me that he really liked his job and it certainly showed. His employer and his family should be very proud of this hard-working nice young man. Because of Imran and his great support, I actually bought a 2 year service plan. Imran called me yesterday (2 days later) to ask if everything was still okay and if I had any other questions. Wow! I sure wish I could ask for him personally if I ever have to call again but I know that’s not possible…..is it?
If you’re out there reading this Imran, I’m starting a list of questions for you just in case you ever decide to check in on me again.
I wish you Good Karma my friend!
Mary Ann